Winter is for the Birds! Birding Tips to Keep Your Backyard Flock Happy This Season

Winter is here, bringing ice, snow, and freezing temperatures. While we cozy up indoors, it’s important not to forget about the birds that remain in your backyard throughout the colder months. Even though many birds can handle the winter chill, they still face challenges finding food, water, and shelter. By providing wild bird seed, a water source, and a warm place to roost, you can give these feathered friends the help they need to thrive.

If you’re passionate about birding, Bomberger’s in Lititz has everything you need to keep your backyard birds fed and happy all season long, from feeders to high-quality bird food.

Winter Birding Tips to Help Your Backyard Birds

  1. Keep Food Dry and Accessible Winter weather can make it difficult for birds to access food. Tube feeders are ideal for keeping bird seed dry and protected from snow and ice, ensuring your feathered visitors always have something to eat.
  2. Provide High-Fat, High-Protein Food To stay warm and energized in the cold, birds need food packed with fat and protein. Stock up on black oil sunflower seeds, suet, and even peanut butter to give them the energy they need to weather the winter months.
  3. Ensure Access to Water When temperatures drop, water becomes scarce, as ponds, streams, and bird baths freeze over. Birds rely on water to stay hydrated and groom their feathers, which is crucial for insulation. A submersible bird bath heater or de-icer can keep your bird bath water thawed and accessible all winter long.
  4. Create Warm Shelter Birdhouses are not just for spring! They can provide much-needed warmth and protection from the elements during winter. Adding dry grass or other insulating materials to your birdhouse can help keep birds cozy on those frigid nights.
  5. Be Prepared for the Weather Winter can be unpredictable, so it’s essential to plan ahead. Before harsh weather hits, make sure your feeders, baths, and birdhouses are ready to go. After each storm, take the time to clean and maintain them so your backyard birds can continue to rely on your support.

Visit Bomberger’s for All Your Winter Birding Needs

For feeders, bird food, and everything else you need to enjoy birding this winter, visit Bomberger’s in Lititz, PA. We have a wide selection of wild bird seed, feeders, and accessories to keep your backyard birds flocking to your home all season long.